Sunday 5 May 2013

Is the current srilanka was the actual Ravana's lanka?

The challenge in understanding the events of ramayana is the timeline of treta yuga. 125,000 is such a big number for any kind of investigation. But the actual fact is that we need to understand the geographical conditions during this period.

100,000 yrs ago, our map looked like this:

As I have described in the previousd post, there were 2 species of humans, the homo sapiens (man), the Neanderthals (probably vanaras). But if we have a closer look in the shape of India, the current Srilanka and India belongs to the same land mass. This contradicts the idea of Adams Bridge as Ramas Bridge, Rameshwaram where Rama worshipped Shiva or the Lanka ruled by Ravana as there is no separation between Srilanka and India.

This leads to few more questions:

Assuming Ramayana is true,
1. Are the dates of yugas calculated are correct?
2. Or whether the Srilanka that we see isthe actual lanka?
3. Or Is it the australasia continent that was closer during 100000 yrs ago was the actual srilanka?

Questions remain unanswered.....


Ramayana, epics..... Is it true that Rama once lived on this very land?

There has been huge number of people doing research and tryingto find out the past. But there are a few facts which can bring a twist in the thought process of Ramayana.

One of them are the vanaras. People may ask whether there were talking monkies? Is it logical? People should understand that evolution is not a one pay process. In a layman's language, A monkey wouldnt have turned into a man in a single night. Think of the current situation. In city areas, people are different compared to the rural. The walk, the looks, the culture etc are different. Whenever a village grows into a town, and a town to a city, there is a fair bit of evolution. When man evolved during pre historic phase, obviously, the civilizations epicenters would have been the core. As we move away from the core, the evolution wouldn't have been to the extent. Which means as we go down into the forests of prehistoric phase, the population will still be half man and half monkey, the vanaras. As Ramayana says, vanaras from kishkinta the thick forest whereas Rama is from Ayodhya, Epicenter of civilization.

When the treta yuga was going on (according to the hindu calendar, around 1.3 lakh years ago) its the Middle paleolithic phase, the homo sapiens and the Neanderthals co-existed in the same time frame.

To answer the question, did vanaras exist? you never know.... may be we already found the fact. May be not...